Washing Machine Operator operates washing machine to execute running of various washing programmes to achieve desired characteristics from as simple as cleaning to finishing attributes of improved feel, drape, luster, biological resistance etc

Brief Job Description: Washing Machine Operator is responsible to perform various types of washing for apparel and garments, made ups and home furnishing articles. The washings are intended to achieve desired finish reflected in terms of improved performance, cleanliness, luster, feel, drape, softness with combinations of time, temperature, process conditions and chemical formulations specific to product class.

Job Role

This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to perform the task of washing as a washing machine operator. It includes follow up of instructions as per job card to achieve production of finally fin shed washed garments with desired attributes

Minimum Educational Qualifications : Preferably,Standard X

Maximum Educational Qualifications : Not applicable

Minimum Job Entry Age : 19 Years

Experience : Preferably having worked 1-2 years in a garment or apparel factory

Personal Attributes

Washing Machine Operator should have good eyesight, motor skills and immune from defects of colour blindness. He/she should also have good interpersonal skills and keen on learnings.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the Centre nearest to you or submit a inquiry online.

We were amazed by how little effort was required on our part to have prepared our Employees. We exchanged a few phone calls and e-mails, and they… handled the rest.

Rajeev Chandran
Founder & CEO, Impulse West Corporation