Brief Job Description: The Dyer is a job role responsible for dyeing of yarns of different types of fibre origins like cotton, viscose, wool, silk to synthetic materials either with traditional methods with little automation to specially developed hank dyeing machines. The dyed materials are expected to match with standard shades for hue, tone as well as conform to requirements for desired level of fastness

Job Role

To execute process plan steps in strict sequence and harmony for selection, weighing, addition of dyes and chemicals to executing for the complete dyeing cycle defined exclusively in parlance with materials, environmental conditions and machines/method of dyeing in consideration

Minimum Educational Qualifications : Preferably, 8th Standard

Maximum Educational Qualifications : Not applicable

Minimum Job Entry Age : 18 Years

Experience : Preferably, 1-2 years

Personal Attributes

The dyer should be keen, vigilant, have good eyesight, patient and investigative. He should be free from defects of colour vision

How can we help you?

Contact us at the Centre nearest to you or submit a inquiry online.

We were amazed by how little effort was required on our part to have prepared our Employees. We exchanged a few phone calls and e-mails, and they… handled the rest.

Rajeev Chandran
Founder & CEO, Impulse West Corporation