Brief Job Description: Individuals at this job need to operate a forklift for loading and unloading heavy raw materials, parts, assemblies and finished goods within the shop floor and in stores/warehouse for various manufacturing processes of an organization.

Job Role

Moving heavy materials on the shop floor using forklift.

Minimum Educational Qualifications : Class 8 th

Maximum Educational Qualifications : Not applicable

Minimum Job Entry Age : Not Applicable

Experience : ASDC Driving Level 4 Certificate or minimum 2-3 years in driving any vehicle/forklift.

Personal Attributes

This job requires the individual to drive continuously for long hours in physically demanding conditions on the shop floor. Individual must be physically fit and have a good sense of balance, ability to judge distances and good eye-hand-foot coordination. The individual should also be able to demonstrate skills for information ordering, oral expression and comprehension.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the Centre nearest to you or submit a inquiry online.

We were amazed by how little effort was required on our part to have prepared our Employees. We exchanged a few phone calls and e-mails, and they… handled the rest.

Rajeev Chandran
Founder & CEO, Impulse West Corporation